Weekly Sermons

How Many Times Do We Forgive Others
August 20, 2017
Who finds it easy to forgive someone who has really hurt you? For some forgiveness comes a little easier than for others, but for most of us, we reach a certain limit in forgiveness. Read more »

The Power of Hate vs The Power of Love
August 13, 2017
It’s unbelievable what happened yesterday in Virginia. White nationalists gathering with neo-Nazis chanting slogans against Jews, blacks, and anyone else different from themselves. This is not Nazi Germany in the 1930s. This is not 1960 in the deep south. This is not 1980 South African apartheid. This is the United States in 2017. Read more »

The Mountain Top Experience
August 06, 2017
These past weeks I took part in two special events that offered a spiritual “mountain top” experience during the summer. Last week I talked about our week in Mexico building a home for a needy family. This past week, I attended the last week of the Metropolis of Boston’s summer camp program for our youth. Mountain Top Experiences! Read more »

Radical Christians
July 31, 2017
Today’s heretical Christianity is a comfortable, easy Christianity. Go to church, follow some commandments, wear a cross and have a few icons, maybe even go to Project Mexico once or twice, but DON”T ALLOW CHRIST TO CHANGE OUR LIVES. Too many follow the wide and easy path, which leads to destruction, and ignore the narrow and difficult path which Christ tells us leads into the kingdom of heaven. Radical Christianity is not easy, but it is the Christianity of the saints. Read more »

What If They Don't Tell the Story
June 25, 2017
Our Lord is counting on us! To tell His story. To share His love. To offer a witness of the transforming power that comes through believing and following Jesus Christ. Read more »

BC and AD - All Saints Day
June 11, 2017
We could say that for many saints, and for many of us, there comes a clear distinction between B.C. and A.D. – a time “Before Christ” and a time “Anno Domini - In the year of our Lord.” Read more »

Pentecost - A New Beginning
June 04, 2017
One mission is completed. Another one begins! Read more »

Submitting to God
May 21, 2017
Imagine being the most powerful person in the world. Now, imagine being the most powerful AND the wealthiest person in the world. Power and wealth – something people dream of, and yet, two of the most dangerous temptations for anyone who wants to live a life in Jesus Christ. Read more »

It Takes a Village
May 07, 2017
“It takes a village to raise a child” is an old African proverb that has been used by others in more recent times to emphasize how a child has the best chance to fulfill his/her potential when the entire community around the child gets involved. Read more »

Our Journey of Faith
April 23, 2017
We are all on a journey of faith. Whenever I meet someone, I never think of them in a static place of either black or white – as a believer or non-believer, as a Christian or non-Christian, as an atheist or anything else. Instead I see each person somewhere on a dynamic journey of faith. Read more »

The Glory of the Cross
March 20, 2017
Here lies the great paradox of our Christian Faith. New life comes from dying in Christ. Abundant life comes from self-denial and sacrifice. The greatest meaning of life comes from learning to serve the other, sacrifice for the other, even die for the other. Read more »

Your Sins Are Forgiven
March 13, 2017
“My son, your sins are forgiven.” Why would Jesus say to a man who can’t walk ‘Your sins are forgiven you?’ Read more »

Forgiveness and the Beginning of Lent
February 26, 2017
Love, mercy and forgiveness. We must open up our hearts to receive these virtues and cultivate their spirit within our lives. As a reminder of this necessity, the Church has established the Sunday before Great Lent begins as the Sunday of Forgiveness. The Church is basically saying to us, “We cannot begin our journey towards Easter, the greatest celebration in the year, if we do not have forgiveness in our hearts. Read more »

Praying for the Dead
February 18, 2017
At no matter what age of life we die, we always see death as a distortion of our existence. Death portrays a horrible tragedy because it is the fruit of evil in the world. We were not created to die. Read more »

Being With the Father but Not Becoming Like the Father
February 12, 2017
The older son, and it’s probably the older son who represents many of us in the Church, can’t comprehend his Father’s unconditional love and mercy, his infinite forgiveness and kindness. And because of his inability to understand, the older son chooses to stand outside the feast, angry, jealousy, and self-righteous. Read more »

Learning To Pray
February 05, 2017
“Teach me to pray.” It seems like a simple request, since everyone says they pray. And yet, the disciples of our Lord knew that prayer wasn’t so easy. Read more »

What is Our Identity?
January 23, 2017

Light vs Darkness
January 09, 2017
Light verses Darkness. Many movies take up the theme of Good vs. Evil and they portray this battle as Light vs. Darkness. Well, this is also a very common theme we see in Holy Scriptures Read more »

Not Me Before You
January 02, 2017
Me Before You. It’s an interesting title of a movie that Pres. Faith and I watched the other day. Me Before You. When I saw that title, I wondered what that meant? What would the movie be about – Me Before You. It sounds quite self-centered. Read more »

The Divine Light Shining in a Dark World
December 25, 2016
Let’s be careful not to turn Christmas into a sentimental holiday where everything looks beautiful and false promises are made. Instead, proclaim Christmas for what it is - a radical announcement of hope in the midst of ongoing darkness. Read more »

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Recent Sermons
July 07, 2024
In a beautiful passage of St. Paul writing to the Christians in Rome, he says, “We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function… Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Rom 12:4,6) to serve God’s holy church and to glorify His Name. Read more »

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Our Orthodox Faith and the Centrality of Missions