Weekly Sermons


Sharing the Story - Pentecost Sunday
June 16, 2019

Living as Christians in our Post-Christian Society
June 10, 2019
What do Springfield, MA, Providence RI, Burlington VT, Portland ME, and Boston MA have in common? According to the Barna Research, these five cities top a list of 100 cities and their surrounding regions as the most Post-Christian cities in the United States. Read more »

I am the Light of the World
June 03, 2019
Jesus sees a man blind from birth and tells his followers, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” Read more »

What Legacy Will We Leave Behind?
May 27, 2019
On this Memorial Day weekend, let’s take a moment to soberly and seriously reflect on our legacy, the legacy that we are creating now and which we will leave behind when others remember us long after our death. Read more »

Post-Resurrectional Words of Christ
May 05, 2019
When one is dying, typically the final words of a dying person are among the most cherished. They often will give you a unique perspective into what the dying person values, and what he most wants to pass on as his/her legacy. Read more »

Life is a Mystery - A Paschal Mystery
April 28, 2019
Life is a mystery. It is a mysterious journey of joys and pains, of love and of suffering. It’s so easy to look around and see how beautiful life is, and yet how unfair life is as well. Read more »

Humbly Serving One Another
April 15, 2019
Too often in society, those who hold a certain position, or those who have power, typically expect others to wait on them, and to serve them. Living under the reign of Christ, however, has a different perspective on success. Read more »

Abortion and the Sanctity of Life
April 08, 2019
I rarely preach politics from the pulpit. I realize in our congregation we have Democrats and Republican; we have those who may be more conservative and others more liberal. Read more »

Our Sufferings Can Glorify God
April 01, 2019
Death, suffering, and the challenges of our life may be transformed by God to Glory and wonder. Read more »

The Three-Fold Call of the Annunciation
March 24, 2019
Think a moment about the Virgin Mary’s threefold response to the Archangel Gabriel: Let it be to me according to Your will. My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my Savior. Read more »

The Triumph of Truth and the New Zealand Tragedy
March 17, 2019
The unequivocal truth of God is that God is Love. He loves all people unconditionally. God loves Christians AND Muslims. He loves believers AND atheists. God loves those who have grown up in this country AND He loves immigrants, whether legal or illegal. God loves even white supremacists, even though their actions are utterly against His ways. He longs for such lost, dark souls to find the light and turn away from the hell they are living in. Read more »

Don't Accept the Grace of God in Vain
February 04, 2019
“Don’t accept the grace of God in vain.” St. Paul warns the first Christians in Corinth about this in today’s epistle reading. What does that mean? How can one accept the grace of God in vain? Read more »

January 21, 2019
A strange illness has appeared in our days – the passion for distractions. Never before was there such a desire for distractions; people have forgotten how to lead a serious life for the good of others; they have no spiritual life and are bored. They exchange the profound content of a spiritual life for distractions! What madness! We must re-introduce into life its lost meaning and give back to the people the knowledge of the true purpose of life. Read more »

Becoming Instruments of Light in the Darkness
January 07, 2019
Light versus darkness. Hope versus despair. Goodness versus evil. Love versus hatred. Life versus death. This stark comparison highlights the Good News that Jesus brings into the world. Here lies the center of the Christian Gospel. Read more »

Four Pillars for a Meaningful Life
December 30, 2018
A meaningful life is ultimately more fulfilling than a happy life. In fact, “chasing happiness [or success] often makes people more unhappy.” So, life shouldn’t be about seeking out happiness, Instead, when we strive to make life meaningful, in the end, we may discover happiness! Here are her four pillars to a meaningful life: Belonging, Purpose, Transcendence, Story Telling. Read more »

Bread in the Kingdom of God
December 16, 2018
Can you imagine being chosen, being invited, being treated like a VIP in the Kingdom of God? Breaking bread with our Lord Jesus Christ, at a table with all the saints, and having the angelic powers all around us singing praises to God? That would be quite an honor and experience!!! Read more »

Be Strong in the Lord
December 03, 2018
Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Read more »

Loneliness vs Community: The Gift of the Church
November 26, 2018
America is suffering an epidemic of loneliness... Nearly half of Americans say they sometimes or always feel “left out” or alone. And 13% say that ZERO people know them well! What a sad state of our contemporary society today! Read more »

When Has Night Ended and Day Begun
November 12, 2018
You know that the night has ended and the day has begun when you are able to look into the eyes of any and every human being and see them not as a stranger, but as your brother and your sister. Read more »

Reflections and Inspiration from Uganda
November 05, 2018
What a special trip to Uganda I returned from last week! I lived in Kenya back in 1988 but I haven’t been back in 25 years. So, it was very special to go there again with my daughter Theodora and get her set up for a two month mission as a part of her GAP Year of Service. Read more »


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July 07, 2024
In a beautiful passage of St. Paul writing to the Christians in Rome, he says, “We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function… Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Rom 12:4,6) to serve God’s holy church and to glorify His Name. Read more »

Our Orthodox Faith
History: The Great Epochs of Orthodoxy
The Church has her origin with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, not with a human teacher, or group, nor a code of conduct or religious philosophy. Read more »