Weekly Sermons

Co-Workers with God and Fishers of Men
June 14, 2015
The very first promise that Jesus made to his disciples and followers was that IF they would follow Him, He would show these fishermen how to “fish for people.” His first promise was not one of a an easy life but of something much more important. Read more »

The Incredible Life in the Early Church
April 27, 2015
People saw HOW the followers of Jesus lived, and WERE INSPIRED by what they saw. They witnessed an INCREDIBLY LOVING COMMUNITY OF FAITH and wanted to join them, even though it was dangerous to become one of them! Read more »

He Is Alive
April 13, 2015
There was a Muslim in Nigeria who converted to Christianity. When someone asked, “Why did you become a Christian?” he answered, “Well, it’s like this. Suppose you were going down a road and suddenly at the fork in the road there were two men, one dead and the other alive. Which one would you ask for directions on which way to go?" Read more »

Living Under the Reign of God - Palm Sunday
April 06, 2015
The people wanted a King, and Jesus was a King… but not quite the type they hoped for. Read more »

Your Sins Are Forgiven
March 09, 2015
How many people have a past sin that still haunts them? How about some hidden secret that you want no one to know about? Is there anything from your past that you are not proud of, or which lays heavy on your heart? Read more »

Seeing God in Others
February 16, 2015
God waits, and seeks for us to do little acts, but with great love! Small acts, but with extraordinary love. That is our call as Christians! Read more »

Desire for God
January 25, 2015
“It costs nothing to become a Christian, but once you become one, then it costs you everything!” Read more »

Extremists of Love
January 18, 2015
Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, and violence multiplies violence in a descending spiral of destruction… Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend… Read more »

The Blessing of the Waters
January 11, 2015
Why do we bless the waters? What is the meaning of blessing the waters? Read more »

Girls Like Us - Seeing God in Everyone
December 29, 2014
What images are conjured up in your mind when you think of someone who may be a prostitute? What if we talk about “teen or child prostitution?” In our over-sexed society, it’s incredible about how some people try to soften the images and perceptions we may have of prostitution by talking about “sex workers” or “erotic escorts and dancers.” Read more »

Discovering New Life - The Way of Zacchaeus
December 22, 2014
No matter how materially successful we become, no matter what high position we attain, no matter how famous we are or think we are, there comes a day of reckoning. And that time came for Zacchaeus! He came face to face with Christ, and the contrast between the two couldn’t have been more stark. Read more »

What Legacy Are We Leaving Behind?
December 15, 2014
Today on Godparents and Grandparents Sunday, I want each of us to reflect upon the legacy or inheritance we are leaving our children, grandchildren and godchildren. Don't think only how you will divide up your financial portfolio, but how will you pass on our Orthodox Christian faith! Read more »

The Eucumenical Patriarch and the Pope - Seeking Unity
December 07, 2014
Last Sunday, we witnessed a beautiful expression of this desire for unity when Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis came together to celebrate the feast of St. Andrew at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople/Istanbul. Read more »

Modern Day Apostle - Fr Themi Adamopoulo
November 30, 2014
Do we have modern day apostles? Who are those who leave their homelands to live in foreign cultures around the world, offering a witness of love and hope to those in need? Read more »

Being Rich Towards God
November 23, 2014
Being “Rich Towards God.” What does that mean? Are you, or am I, “Rich Towards God?” Read more »

Our Faith is All About Giving
November 16, 2014
Do you know that of all the themes that Jesus preached and taught about, he talked more about riches and treasures and money than he did about other such themes as prayer and fasting? You see, the topic of money, and specifically good stewardship of all we have, is a spiritual topic, because Christ understood well that where our treasure is, our heart will be also! Read more »

Passing on the Treasure of Faith
November 09, 2014
What does your Christian Faith, and the Orthodox Church herself, mean to you? Think about that for a moment? How would you value your faith and the Church? In other words, where do you place your relationship with Jesus Christ in your life? What have you received from Christ Himself, and how have you been blessed by His Church? Read more »

Noticing the Nobodies
November 02, 2014
Do we notice the “Other,” those who are different than ourselves? Or when we notice that they are different than us, how do we look upon them? How do we treat them? Read more »

20 Years of Service
October 19, 2014
Twenty years ago yesterday, on the feast of my patron Saint Luke the Evangelist, I was ordained to the priesthood in Tirana, Albania by His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios. Faith and I began our ministry in Albania, and served there for 10 and a half years. We are now approaching 10 years of service here in Webster. Read more »

Entering Into Our Lenten Journey
October 13, 2014
Lent is a season when the Church challenges us to live up to our Christian faith. That which we profess with our mouths on Sunday, we are asked to live out in our lives throughout the week – within our families, among our friends and even strangers, in the workplace, during our hobbies and entertainment, everywhere. Of course, we’re supposed to live out our faith each and every day throughout our lives, but we all realize how hard that is to do. And sometimes we need a special reason, a little “push,” an added incentive, to get us back on track in our spiritual journey. Read more »

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July 07, 2024
In a beautiful passage of St. Paul writing to the Christians in Rome, he says, “We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function… Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Rom 12:4,6) to serve God’s holy church and to glorify His Name. Read more »

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