Weekly Sermons

The Divine Justice of the Loving Father
January 01, 1970
Divine justice and charity are an expression of God’s sympathy towards humanity, whereas human justice seeks out fair judgment. The person who has trust in divine justice is neither upset when treated unfairly, nor seeks his justice. Read more »

May God Forgive the ISIS Killers
January 01, 1970
“May God forgive the killers. We don't have hatred towards them. This is Christianity. God forgives the sinners. So shall we." Read more »

Come and See - the Cost, Commitment and Response
January 01, 1970
The great scandal of Christianity is the nominal Christian, those who call themselves Orthodox but don't allow their faith to influence their lives. To be Orthodox does not mean that our parents or grandparents were Orthodox. To be Christian implies that we have asked Jesus to enter and control your life. Read more »

The Life of the Cross
January 01, 1970
A life of self denial, sacrifice, and the cross isn’t meant to be a masochistic life, but a life which brings great joy, discovery, and even abundance. The Church teaches that the more we deny ourselves and give away, the more we will receive. When we learn to carry our cross and die to our egocentric ways, we will discover the purpose of life. It places a higher vision and the divine ideal of Christ-like love, sacrifice and service at the center of one’s life! Read more »

Honoring the Virtues of Mothers
January 01, 1970
When I’ve asked children over the years which virtues they best loved about their mother, I get a variety of beautiful and cute answers... Read more »

Honest Doubt that Nourishes Faith
January 01, 1970
This Sunday of Thomas reminds us of an important lesson about the doubts that linger in our minds. Doubt may surely be a part of our journey of faith, yet we have to ask ourselves, what type of doubt to we harbor? Read more »

Suffering as an Opportunity to Glorify God
January 01, 1970
Jesus doesn’t answer the question about why someone suffers. We live in a fallen world, and in such an imperfect world suffering will exist. So Christ doesn’t answer why someone suffers, instead he puts suffering into a new perspective. How can we glorify God through our difficulties! Read more »

Overcoming our Biases and Prejudices
January 01, 1970
In a recent study published in Psychological Science, evidence was given to show that the human brain categorizes people within the first second after seeing a face. Read more »

My Strength Made Perfect in Weakness - The Supreme Court Ruling
January 01, 1970
This past week we have seen a landmark decision by the Supreme Court. Many are celebrating this historic victory for same-sex partners while others feel threatened by this action. Read more »

How To Inherit Eternal Life
January 01, 1970
“What must I do to inherit eternal life?” In other words, what must I do to know God; to dwell with God? What must I do to live under the reign of God, and to orient my life towards my Creator? What must I do to develop such an intimate relationship with Him, that our love for one another will not only enrich and bless this life, but even conquer death itself, so that I may have an eternity of bliss with Him? Read more »

Deny Yourself and Discover the Path of Life
January 01, 1970
Our society doesn’t teach us too often to deny ourselves and to lose our lives for others. Yet this is precisely one of the fundamental teachings of our Lord. Read more »

To Know Christ or To Follow Christ
January 01, 1970
An authentic disciple of Christ will not try to create a faith to fit his or her lifestyle. Quite the opposite! Our lifestyle must come in line with our Orthodox Faith. Our worldview must be formed by our understanding of Jesus Christ. Our words, deeds and even thoughts must come under the influence and reign of our Lord! Read more »

Using Time Wisely
January 01, 1970
Dach day God gives us a precious gift – 1440 minutes of life. He then gives us the freedom to do whatever we want with that time. “What are we doing to use that time wisely? Are we being good “stewards” of this sacred gift of time? Read more »

My Brother is My Life
January 01, 1970
“My brother is my life,” noted St. Silouan. As individualistic as we Americans can be, our Orthodox Christian faith runs radically counter to this autonomous spirit. Read more »

Our Gift Back to God
January 01, 1970
All that we have is a gift from God, yet all we become, and all we do with what we have received, is our gift back to God! Read more »

Seeking God Above All Else - Lessons from the Great Ascetics
January 01, 1970
How serious am I in my pursuit for salvation? How much do I truly desire to be with God, and how much am I willing to sacrifice to grow in my relationship with Him? Read more »

Terror-Violence-Fear and our Christian Response
January 01, 1970
Terror. Violence. Fear. Sorrow. Anger. Hatred. These are only a few of the emotions that can pass through our minds whenever we encounter a violent and tragic event like the recent happenings. Read more »

Giving Thanks in All Circumstances
January 01, 1970
How beautiful it is to live lives of gratitude and thanksgiving. Living with such a spirit transforms our whole perspective on life. We won’t focus on what we don’t have, or on what others have. Instead, we thank God for each and every blessing. Read more »

Speaking Out On Behalf of Others
January 01, 1970
First they came for the illegal immigrants and criticized the Mexicans, and I did not speak out, because I was neither an illegal immigrant nor a Mexican. Then they started to refuse Syrian refugees... Read more »

Martyrs for Christ
January 01, 1970
70 Million Christian Martyrs! 70 Million people, since the birth of Christ, have been killed because they were followers of this newborn baby we celebrated this past week. That’s quite an incredible number of people who have suffered and died for their Christian faith! Read more »

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Recent Sermons
July 07, 2024
In a beautiful passage of St. Paul writing to the Christians in Rome, he says, “We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function… Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Rom 12:4,6) to serve God’s holy church and to glorify His Name. Read more »

Our Orthodox Faith
The Orthodox Church: An Introduction
An ever-growing number of persons from various backgrounds are becoming interested in the Orthodox Church. These individuals are discovering the ancient faith and rich traditions of the Orthodox Church. They have been attracted by her mystical vision of God and His Kingdom, by the beauty of her worship, by the purity of her Christian faith, and by her continuity with the past. These are only some of the treasures of the Church, which has a history reaching back to the time of the Apostles. Read more »