Weekly Sermons

The Value of Self Control and Setting a Goal
April 21, 2014
“Learning How to Exert Self-Control.” This was the title of an interesting article in the NY Times last week which talked about Dr. Walter Mischel, a professor at Columbia, who is known as the “Marshmallow Man." Read more »

As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You
April 14, 2014
Dr. Johnson once shared a story with my class about meeting a man from India who had lived in the United States for 40 years. As he entered into a discussion with the man, he learned that this Hindu person had never been invited into the home of any American Christian during his entire 40 years in this country! Four decades and no Christian took the initiative to invite him into their home! Read more »

A New Life in Christ - Participating in the Resurrection
April 07, 2014
Christians in the first century had a strange custom. When one of their fellow Christians would die, they would march in procession to the graveyards, singing joyous hymns, and then they would place laurel wreaths on the graves, the same wreaths that the Greeks would use to crown the victors of athletic contests. Why did they do this? Because they believed that through Christ Jesus, all his followers have received victory over the power of death! Read more »

God Lives Among Us, With Us, and In Us
March 31, 2014
Tonight, our challenge is whether we will open up our hearts in a manner we’ve never done before, and allow Jesus Christ to be born anew within us? Will we allow the Christ Child to live in us and guide us each day in the New Year and throughout our lives? Will we give reign to Him to direct our lives and rule in the center of our very beings? This is the central question we should all meditate upon this Christmas! Read more »

Your Sins Are Forgiven
March 17, 2014
When we come to God, asking Him to heal us, we must prepare ourselves beforehand for healing. To be healed does not mean to become whole only in order to go back to the same kind of life that we lived before; it means to be whole in order to begin a new life, as if we realized that we died in the healing action of God. Read more »

Living By the Golden Rule
March 03, 2014
As follows of Jesus Christ, we understand that love isn't the absence of bad, but it is the presence of good. We must consciously and actively display love to others; Christians live out the fulfillment of their faith by DOING good to others, just as we want others to do good to us. Read more »

The Last Judgment
February 24, 2014
“The criminal in your community may be less guilty for his crime than you, his Christian neighbor. For you could have been a light to the evil doer, yet you were not, for the man remained beside you in darkness. Had you been the kind of example you ought to have been and allowed your light to shine on that lost man’s path, perhaps he might not have stumbled into his crime. If you had loved your neighbor as yourself and lavished upon him some of the care you generously lavish upon yourself, shared some of the warmth God has privileged you to possess, that criminal might have changed in time.” Read more »

We Have Hope in Jesus Christ
February 23, 2014
A sick man turned to his doctor, as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said, "Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on the other side." Read more »

The Transforming Love of God
February 17, 2014
“A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. There are traps everywhere. Bibles laid open, millions of surprises, fine nets and schemes. God is, if I may say it, very unscrupulous.” Read more »

God Knows What's In My Heart. Do I?
February 10, 2014
In 1750, Benjamin Franklin wrote in his Poor Richard’s Almanac that “There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond and to know one’s self.” Read more »

The Light of Epiphany
January 05, 2014
What a great promise of hope to carry with us throughout this new year and throughout our entire lives. Jesus promises, “Whoever follows me, will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Read more »

Gifts of the Magi and the Spirit of Stewardship
December 30, 2013
Think about how the Magi were conscientious stewards with their knowledge, experience and wisdom, as well as stewards of their time and effort, which culminated in their good stewardship of their treasure. St. John Chrysostom highlights that true wealth comes through sharing what we have first received from God Himself. Ultimately, whatever we have isn’t ours! All is God’s, and we are simply caretakers of His riches. As we learn to generously give of ourselves, of our time, talents and treasure, we only increase our wealth and make eternal investments. Read more »

Emmanuel - God is With Us
December 23, 2013
The feast of Christmas proclaims something that is inconceivable to the human mind: that the Creator of the universe came to dwell among us. He came to be united with the human race, to taste our struggles and to share our pain, in order to lift us up into a new reality. All world religions may point to people searching for God, but only Christianity offers the completely different and unique story that Almighty God became one of us in order “to deify us”. Christmas is about this shocking reality! Read more »

The Legacy of Nelson Mandela
December 16, 2013
"Resentment is like drinking poison, and then hoping it will kill your enemies,” Mandela emphasized, “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then your enemy becomes your partner.” Read more »

The Kingdom of God as a Celebration
December 09, 2013
It’s no wonder why our Lord Jesus Christ used the analogy of a celebration to describe the Kingdom of Heaven. He wanted people to realize that the Kingdom of Heaven was not only comparable to the best of any earthly feasts we ever tasted, but in fact, far superseded such festivities, because the Kingdom of God is an eternal event – a joy greater than any joy one has ever tasted, a fellowship of love deeper than anything that one has ever experienced, and a happiness that never dissipates, because it marks the soul. Read more »

Casting Out the Demons in Our Lives
December 02, 2013
Demons, evil, the dark side, or however we name the forces of Satan, seem very evident in our society. But what about in our own lives? Do we actually believe in demons, in demonic possession, in the force of evil active in our own lives? Read more »

A Theology of Interruptions
November 25, 2013
How many of us like being interrupted? We may be in the middle of doing something, and then someone unexpectedly comes up to us, interrupts us, and disrupts our planned schedule. How about when we’re doing something really important? How do we act when such interruptions happen? Read more »

Do We Notice Our Neighbor?
November 18, 2013
Mother Teresa told a story about a very poor family with six children, who had nothing to eat. So Mother Teresa went to visit their home, and brought a big sack of rice. As soon as she gave the sack of rice to the poor family, the mother divided half of the rice and went out the door. She was gone for 10 minutes, and then returned empty-handed. Mother Teresa was surprised to see her leave right away, and asked her, “Where did you go? Read more »

Loving Our Neighbor as the Good Samaritan
November 11, 2013
What is life about? Is life only the 80 or so years that we live on earth and then that’s the end? Is there something after death? Is there an eternity? All this relates to the question of whether there truly is a God? If so, if God truly exists, then we must ask ourselves, what must I do to live with God for all eternity? Read more »

Success in God's Eyes or According to the World
November 04, 2013
Success. According to the world OR according to God. Two completely different perspectives!!! May each of us take care not to become a “fool” in God’s eyes, but to live out our lives as good and faithful stewards of all He has given us! Read more »

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July 07, 2024
In a beautiful passage of St. Paul writing to the Christians in Rome, he says, “We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function… Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Rom 12:4,6) to serve God’s holy church and to glorify His Name. Read more »

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