Youth Ministry
Our Youth Ministries include various activities for children and youth ages 3-18:
JOY (Junior Orthodox Youth) for ages 3-11
GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth of America) for ages 12-18
Altar Servers - an opportunity to serve in the Altar on Sundays for boys ages 7 and up.
Epistle Readers - an opportunity for girls ages 9 and up to read the weekly Sunday Epistle Reading on a rotating basis.
Vacation Church Camp (Summer camp) for ages 3-12. This one week camp, typically held during July or August, is a fun, educational, inspiring week of activities, lessons, songs, arts/crafts, sports, and much more. We will go tubing on Webster Lake. We'll go on an excursion to Canobie Lake Amusement Park, the Zoo, the Beach, or some other place. We'll go hiking at Purgatory State Park. And we'll do lots more!
Metropolis of Boston Camp (Contookcook, NH) - Our Church sends 10-15 youth to the week-long Metropolis of Boston Camp. We typically go either the 4th week of MBC. To find out more information on this, go to
Project Mexico Team - Join our annual team which goes to Tijuana and builds a home for a needy family.
CrossRoad Institute - For high school seniors and freshmen in college to participate in this special Orthodox program that will enrichen your faith.
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Love That Makes a Difference