Opportunities of Service and Outreach

We have various opportunities to reach out to others in need:

LIVING BREAD LUNCHEON:  On the first Saturday of every month we offer a delicious meal, warm hospitality to approximately 60-90 guests from the town of Webster and other local areas. Neal Neslusan and Linda Nizamoff oversee this ministry.

PROJECT MEXICO: During the summer, our Church sends a group to Tijuana, Mexico to work with the Orthodox organization Project Mexico (www.projectmexico.org) to help build homes for the desperately poor. This project typically takes place the second or third week in July. We have taken 70 people from our church family, many of whom have gone several times, as well as another 100 people from other churches.

VISITATIONS TO THE ELDERLY: Throughout the year, but especially before Christmas and during Great Lent, our youth will visit the homebound and other elderly in Nursing Homes. Eveyrone is welcome to come on these visits.

RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: You have become a blood donor and/or you can volunteer to help when we have the Red Cross Blood Drive at our Church. We have one blood drive every July, and occasionally at other times throughout the year.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: We have an OPEN AA meeting held at our Church every Sunday evening from 6:30-8:00.

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Monthly Bulletin

Recent Sermons
September 11, 2024
“Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father.” The call to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” is one of the most radical teaching of Jesus Christ and His Church, and yet, it is a teaching upon which we need to reflect today more than ever. Read more »

Our Orthodox Faith
House of God: An Explanation of the Interior of Orthodox Churches
The visitor to an Orthodox Church is usually impressed by the unique features and the external differences between this place of worship and those of the various traditions of Western Christianity. Read more »