Weekly Sermons

A Teaching Liturgy - Learning How to Experience the Divine Liturgy
September 18, 2022
A Teaching Liturgy - Learning How to Experience the Divine Liturgy Read more »

Divine Love and September 11th
September 11, 2022
“Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father.” Read more »

Labor Day and the Kingdom of God
September 04, 2022
If we love what we do, thank God. If we don’t love what we do, yet we have work that sustains and supports us in this world, thank God. Read more »

One is Free When One Forgives
August 28, 2022
“There exists no other way than to forgive. One is free only when one forgives.” Saint Silouan the Athonite said similar words: “Where there is forgiveness … there is freedom.” Read more »

Understanding Faith
August 21, 2022
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, `Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Read more »

What and Who Influence Us?
August 14, 2022
What influences us most in our lives? Who are the people or figures who consciously or maybe unconsciously influence us? Read more »

August 07, 2022
Christ did not come simply to teach man but to transfigure him.  To re-adorn human nature in light, divine light, the glory of the Father.  This final purpose for man is revealed in Christ’s transfiguration on the mount.  This foretastes the glorious future visible Theophany. Read more »

The Freedom to Choose How We See Life
August 01, 2022
Often we cannot determine what happens to us. Yet we can choose how we respond to all the unexpected and unfortunate situations that confront us. Read more »

Building Hope and Changing Lives (Ours and Others) in Mexico
July 25, 2022
A few days at Project Mexico is a condensed version of what life should be. It’s a life beginning and ending with prayer, yet including hard work, struggle, good conversation, laughter, sharing meals, caring for others, watching sunsets, dancing, praying through it all, and most importantly, loving deeply and fiercely. Read more »

Freedom in Christ
July 04, 2022
Who is really free?  And who is really in bondage?  Is someone free who lives in a so-called free country? Are we free when we can do whatever they want?  If someone is in prison, does that mean they are not free?  Read more »

We Value Life
June 26, 2022
These past days our nation’s attention has focused on the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade and the impact this will have in the lives of countless people. We have millions of people rejoicing that this ruling brings protection to the most vulnerable and defenseless of society – the new life in a womb. At the same time millions of other people are scared and angry. Read more »

Glorify God Through the Mystery of Life
June 05, 2022
"Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you.” Our Lord is praying that that Father may glorify Him and yet, Christ knows what’s going to happen. Read more »

We Need to Do More than Pray and Offer Good Thoughts
May 29, 2022
The “unthinkable” has happened once again with the latest school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Unfortunately, such tragic events are NOT so unthinkable anymore. Read more »

Celebrating 100 Years with Pascha Joy
May 15, 2022
What a special celebration our Saints Constantine and Helen Church Family enjoyed last weekend! After postponing our 100th Anniversary Celebration twice because of COVID, we finally concluded our centennial celebration when 190 of us gathered for a Gala celebration. Read more »

Believe in Christ and Experience Life
May 01, 2022
“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.” Read more »

Hades Cries Out
April 24, 2022
Hades and Fr Luke have an intense dialogue about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Read more »

Greatness in God's Eyes
April 10, 2022
What is greatness? How do you perceive greatness? How do you think God perceives greatness? Read more »

All Things are Possible
April 03, 2022
How many of us believe that we can truly change? To change old habits and deeply rooted patterns of behavior? How many of us deeply believe that we overcome common vices that have been a part of our lives throughout all the years and trust that Christ-like virtues can replace them? Read more »

Through the Cross We Have Joy
March 27, 2022
“Christianity is a joyless religions.” Alexander Schmemann once stated that the greatest accusation made against followers of Jesus Christ is that they are people who have no joy! Read more »

Priceless Friendships Through Our Journey of Life
March 20, 2022
How many of us have friends? Obviously we all have friends but what type of friends do we have and what do we value most in our cherished friendships? Read more »

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Recent Sermons
July 07, 2024
In a beautiful passage of St. Paul writing to the Christians in Rome, he says, “We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function… Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Rom 12:4,6) to serve God’s holy church and to glorify His Name. Read more »

Our Orthodox Faith
The Violent Love of God