2018 Sermons

Four Pillars for a Meaningful Life
December 30, 2018
A meaningful life is ultimately more fulfilling than a happy life. In fact, “chasing happiness [or success] often makes people more unhappy.” So, life shouldn’t be about seeking out happiness, Instead, when we strive to make life meaningful, in the end, we may discover happiness! Here are her four pillars to a meaningful life: Belonging, Purpose, Transcendence, Story Telling. Read more »

Be Strong in the Lord
December 03, 2018
Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Read more »

Loneliness vs Community: The Gift of the Church
November 26, 2018
America is suffering an epidemic of loneliness... Nearly half of Americans say they sometimes or always feel “left out” or alone. And 13% say that ZERO people know them well! What a sad state of our contemporary society today! Read more »

When Has Night Ended and Day Begun
November 12, 2018
You know that the night has ended and the day has begun when you are able to look into the eyes of any and every human being and see them not as a stranger, but as your brother and your sister. Read more »

Reflections and Inspiration from Uganda
November 05, 2018
What a special trip to Uganda I returned from last week! I lived in Kenya back in 1988 but I haven’t been back in 25 years. So, it was very special to go there again with my daughter Theodora and get her set up for a two month mission as a part of her GAP Year of Service. Read more »

Casting Out Darkness and Putting on Christ
October 21, 2018
In our modern world, how do we understand such demons? Is the devil real? Does “the devil walk about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour,” as St. Peter says in his first epistle? (1 Peter 5:7) Read more »

The Compassion of Christ
October 07, 2018
How many of us are deeply disturbed and greatly saddened by the political circus of our supreme court judicial process which we have watched these past weeks. Read more »

No Greater Love Than This
October 01, 2018
On January 13, 1982, Air Florida Flight 90 smashed nose-first into the rock-solid ice covering the Potomac River just outside Washington, D.C. To horrified onlookers, it seemed impossible that anyone could be alive inside the mangled steel carcass slowly vanishing into the water. But one by one, six survivors gasped to the surface and grabbed desperately at the tail of the plane. Read more »

What Does God Expect From Us
September 23, 2018
What is Jesus Christ looking for in a follower? Does he or she have to be someone smart? Someone famous? Someone with many talents? Someone who has connections? Someone who is already holy? What is Christ looking for in his followers? Read more »

Building Relationships and Homes
September 16, 2018
Olivia Neslusan and Theodora Veronis offer a sermon on “Building Relationships and Homes.” Both of these young women spent three months at Project Mexico, serving as two of the 19 interns who oversaw 675 volunteers while building 27 homes. Of course, they built much more than homes!!! Read more »

God Doesn't Want to Condemn But Wants to Love
September 09, 2018
God doesn’t want to condemn, He wants to love! He’s not looking to punish us. He’s not sick and tired of us. We need to understand God for who He is and what He really wants from us. And that is, He is love and wants to love us! Read more »

Excuses - Priorities - the Kingdom of God
September 02, 2018
Excuses. We all make them. Excuses why we don’t work out and exercise more. Excuses why we don’t eat better and in a healthier way. Excuses why we don’t stop certain bad habits.Why do we make up excuses? Read more »

Living Out the Mission of the Church
August 26, 2018
If anyone ever asks you, “Why do you go to Church?” or “What do you do at Church?” how would you answer? Read more »

How Often Do We Forgive?
August 12, 2018
How often do I have to forgive someone who hurts me? That’s a pretty common thought all of us have had at one time or another. And when we look for answers, we can get all kinds of responses. Read more »

Transformational Change
August 05, 2018
How can one live a life filled with joy even in the midst of tremendous challenges, dangers, and difficulties? Well, I want to encourage all of you to read the four chapters of St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians and discover this extremely important lesson on how to live a life of joy in this world. Read more »

Sharing Love and Building Hope in Mexico
July 29, 2018
“My heart and soul have been replenished by the unbelievable scenes of jubilation from David and Celena, the Mexican family for whom we built a modest, yet sturdy home this past week. It was such a delight to hand over the keys to a structure that was built for them through the hands of many loving volunteers.” Read more »

Let Our Light Influence Others
July 08, 2018
“The criminal in your community may be less guilty for his crime than you, his Christian neighbor!” Read more »

Using God's Gifts To Their Fullest
July 01, 2018
We all have gifts that God has given each one of us, St. Paul says, let us use them! Think about the gifts you have been given by God in your life, and then think about how you are using these gifts to glorify God and His Church. Are you using your gifts and talents to glorify God?!? Read more »

Righteous Before God
June 24, 2018
Think for a moment about how you would want to be seen by God. If today you came face to face with our Lord, how would you want God to describe your life? Read more »

What Do I Want To Pass On to My Children
June 17, 2018
What do I hope my children will remember about me when they think of their father? Read more »

Graduation Sunday - Missions Sunday - Discipleship Sunday
June 10, 2018
Graduation Sunday is related to Missions Sunday and a reminder of what we call Discipleship Sunday. Read more »

All Saints Day
June 03, 2018
Throughout the New Testament, the early Christians use to call every believer a saint. Why? Because it was a reminder that every baptized believer is suppose to live a holy life. Read more »

We Need To Do More Than Just Pray
May 20, 2018
The “unthinkable has happened” was how one government official responded to the latest school shooting in Sante Fe, Texas this past week. And yet, is it really “unthinkable?” Unfortunately, as a parent of four school age children, we realize that these horrific, mass killings are NOT so unthinkable anymore. Read more »

The Angelic Presence of Mothers
May 13, 2018
The angelic presence and influence of a sincere, Christian mother! Maybe no influence on earth can impact a child in the same way! The writer Emerson once said 'People are what their mothers make them.' Read more »

Journeying Together With Our Children
May 06, 2018
As we celebrate Godparents and Grandparents Sunday, we need to highlight the extremely crucial role that godparents and grandparents can play in the village that is looking out for our children. Read more »

The Resurrection - Truth or Fairy Tale?
April 09, 2018
The Muslim mother was extremely touched by the life of Christ, especially when Jesus resurrected from the death, and asked her son, “Is that really true? Did Jesus actually rise from the dead?” But before my student could give an answer, his atheistic father sarcastically laughed, “That’s all a fairy tale, a myth. Simply a story for children to believe. Who has ever heard of someone rising from the dead? Ridiculous!” Read more »

The Power of Hope
April 02, 2018
The power of hope. Even in the worst situation, when people struggle under the most extreme situations where they face the darkness and evil of life, we humans hold on to hope. That is a lifeline to those who suffer, hoping that a better day awaits them! Read more »

Humble Obedience - Not a Popular Notion
March 25, 2018
Obedience. Not a very popular notion for many people. How many of us like to obey others? Read more »

Struggling to Stay on the Faithful Path
March 18, 2018
When we look around at the world every day, think about the craziness of our society, and realize how many people have turned away from God and His ways, what do we think? Many people are even wondering whether we are living in the end times? Read more »

The Power of the Cross
March 11, 2018
The Cross is not a burden to be carried and endured, but a source of power and strength to give us hope and to guide us in how to live our lives! Read more »

Christ the Healer
March 04, 2018
We are all broken in some ways. We are all sick. We are all in need of help from a healer. Read more »

The Universe is My Parish
February 25, 2018
My parish is my universe? Or The universe is my parish? Read more »

Preparing for Lent and Forgiveness Sunday
February 18, 2018
We cannot journey closer towards God if we are not ready to forgive one another. Lent is a time of reconciling with those from whom we have distanced ourselves. A first concrete step we should take in our Lenten journey is a step towards anyone for whom we have anger, or bitterness or hatred. Read more »

The Danger of Trusting In Oneself
January 29, 2018
"More blessed is the person who has sinned and knows he has sinned and repents, then the person who has not sinned and thinks himself righteous." Read more »

What Do We Seek After?
January 22, 2018
What do we seek after in life? Well, if we look at how we spend our time, we can get an idea of what we seek after. Read more »

Extremist of Love and Justice
January 15, 2018
Extremism seems to be on the rise in America, and this can come in many dangerous forms. Right-wing extremism, as well as left-wing extremism. Religious extremism along with atheist extremism. How many of us would like to be labeled an extremist? Read more »

The Promise of Change
January 08, 2018

Good News of Great Joy
December 26, 2017

God's New Name for Us
December 25, 2017
Names are important. They identify who we are, where we came from, whose family we are a part of. Maybe that is why Matthew begins His Gospel with a genealogy, a list of 42 names, which we read today as the beginning of the Christmas story. Read more »

Beginning a New Year of Change and Transformation
January 01, 1970
If we have sincerely experienced Christ’s birth, and invited Him to be born anew in our hearts and lives, no one can enter the new year the same! We should be changed people! Or at least be people who are in the process of change! Read more »

A "Teaching" Liturgy
January 01, 1970
Today I offered a "Teaching Liturgy" in Church. I was trying to help our parishioners better understand the Divine Liturgy, learn how to participate more fully in their worship, and meet and encounter our Living God through our worship. Read more »

Mercy or Justice - Lessons from the Prodigal Son
January 01, 1970
Mercy is opposed to justice… As a grain of sand cannot counterbalance a great quantity of gold, so in comparison God’s use of justice cannot counterbalance His mercy. Read more »

As the Father Sent Me So I send You
January 01, 1970
I have to be honest and tell you that this was only the THIRD time in my life I’ve ever been to Church. It was interesting, though, and I really did learn something new.” When I answered him what he learned, he surprised me by saying, “I never knew that Jesus rose from the dead!” Read more »

St George and His Understanding of Death
January 01, 1970
Tragedy in God’s eyes is not a young death, but a life not lived to its God-given potential, a life not dedicated to God and lived for God. Read more »

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July 07, 2024
In a beautiful passage of St. Paul writing to the Christians in Rome, he says, “We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function… Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Rom 12:4,6) to serve God’s holy church and to glorify His Name. Read more »

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