2016 Sermons

The Divine Light Shining in a Dark World
December 25, 2016
Let’s be careful not to turn Christmas into a sentimental holiday where everything looks beautiful and false promises are made. Instead, proclaim Christmas for what it is - a radical announcement of hope in the midst of ongoing darkness. Read more »

The Meaning of Christmas
December 04, 2016
What is Christmas all about? If you didn’t grow up in a Christian home, come to this Church, or have parents who read you the Christmas story each year, would you know what Christmas was about all? Think about that for a moment. Would you be able to figure out what Christmas is about from what our society says during this festive season? Read more »

Worldly Success vs Godly Success
November 21, 2016
Dr. Campolo went to the podium, looking out at his audience and simply said, “How dare we ask God to give resources that He has already given us for just such a purpose!” Read more »

Acting as Good Samaritans in our Post-Election Country
November 14, 2016
I know I step in risky territory when I begin talking politics. Unfortunately, the statistics of our country which they show how politics override one’s faith seem too true. As soon as we begin talking politics, we don’t allow ourselves to listen to the “other.” Yet, I take this risk today because I think the Good Samaritan has a message relevant for our political times. Read more »

Cultivating our Hearts
October 16, 2016
Jesus says, “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.” (Rev 3:20) Our Lord Jesus passionately longs to enter the heart and life of each and every person in the world, and to change their lives for the better, yet He loves us so much that He respects our freedom to ignore His love and to close our hearts to His Spirit! Read more »

Facing Death
October 09, 2016
If we are waiting for our Lord to come, and if we are waiting for the possibility of death itself each day, how differently we would live our lives! Read more »

Christ Lives In Me
September 19, 2016

Festival Sunday
September 12, 2016

Our Call to Forgive
September 05, 2016

Receiving Holy Communion
August 29, 2016

The Olympics and our Christian Journey
August 22, 2016
Kindness, encouragement, and helping others. What great virtues to see and learn from the Olympics. And of course, there are so many other great lessons we can discover for our own journey in the Christian life from the Olympics. Read more »

Hope Patience and Prayer
August 08, 2016
Rejoice in hope; be patient in tribulation; continue steadfast in prayer. Read more »

Reflections on Project Mexico
July 24, 2016
This was one of the greatest experiences in my life. When I saw the face of Victor crying when he received the keys to his new house, I felt so good.. I don’t think I will be more happy when I get my own house one day Read more »

Freedom in Christ
July 03, 2016
The Statue of Liberty has always been a symbol of hope for millions and millions of immigrants who have come to this country, often fleeing poverty, oppression and the harsh realities of their homeland. Read more »

All Saints Sunday
June 26, 2016
Anestis Jordanoglou offers a sermon on All Saints Sunday. Read more »

Jen Rice - New Missionary to the Mayan Indians
June 05, 2016
Jen Rice, a recent Holy Cross graduate, is now preparing for long-term service as an OCMC missionary to Guatemala among the Mayan Indians. Hear why!!! Read more »

The Great and Holy Council
May 29, 2016
“The Great Council is not a new ecumenical council that needs to resolve every menacing problem. Our Council is something else. What we are telling people with our Council is: “In a troubled world, we do not remain silent; at a dark time, we have a word of hope and light.”” Read more »

Do You Want To Be Healed
May 22, 2016
Whenever we pray to God and turn to Christ for something – whether healing, or help in a tough situation, or a way to resolve a problem, or for wisdom and discernment in our life – whenever we turn to God for help we have to be prepared to change our lives. Our prayer shouldn’t be to simply get a free handout. Our prayer should put us in communion with God and help us better understand His will for us in our lives Read more »

The Myrrhbearing Women
May 15, 2016
Jesus chose to first appear to such “lowly” women and he entrusted to them the privilege to go and share the good news of the resurrection with others. In other words, these women became apostles to the chosen apostles. Read more »

Life Over Death
May 01, 2016
Christ’s resurrection is all about life over death, about light over darkness, about goodness over evil, about joy over sorrow, about new beginnings over dead ends. Jesus confronted all forms of darkness and evil – betrayal, denial, rejection, ridicule, persecution, torture, and even unjust and cruel death. He confronted each form of evil by not giving in to it; he didn’t allow the evil to lead Him to respond in an evil way. Instead, he responded to every form of evil with divine love. Read more »

Increasing Our Faith
April 10, 2016
“O Faithless generation. How long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you?” Imagine hearing those words from Christ! What would we think if Jesus called us a “Faithless generation,” and if he threatened us with the words, “How long shall I put up with you?!?” Read more »

Seeing God in the Poor - A Story from Africa by Fr. Themi Adamopoulo
March 20, 2016
Fr Themi Adamopoulo, the former atheist, Marxist rock-n-roller who became not only an Orthodox priest, but a missionary serving the poorest of the poor in Sierra Leone, offers powerful words today. Read more »

Beginning our Lenten Journey
March 13, 2016
Are any of you making plans yet for your summer vacation? Well, tomorrow we begin the most exciting journey of the year! Read more »

Godparents and Grandparents Are Part of the Team
February 21, 2016
I’ve enjoyed watching my son play basketball for his high school team over this past season. The team has some very good players, yet one thing they’ve learned over the season is that no matter how many good individual players they have, if they don’t play well as a team, they won’t achieve their goal of winning districts. Read more »

Against the World
January 18, 2016
How many of you bought tickets for the Powerball over these past weeks? How many dreamed how winning $1.5 billion would change your life in the most beautiful way? Read more »

Blessed New Year Resolutions
January 01, 1970
Here are 10 great resolutions for a blessed and special New Year. Read more »

Seeking God Above All Else - Lessons from the Great Ascetics
January 01, 1970
How serious am I in my pursuit for salvation? How much do I truly desire to be with God, and how much am I willing to sacrifice to grow in my relationship with Him? Read more »

The New Man in Christ
January 01, 1970
To become new men means losing what we now call 'ourselves.' Out of our selves, into Christ, we must go… the Christian life is simply a process of having your natural self changed into a Christ self… One's most private wishes, one's point of view, are the things that have to be changed. Read more »

Understanding Love on Valentine's Day
January 01, 1970
Storge love, Friendship love, Romantic love, and Agape love. Today on Valentine’s Day, let us reflect on each of these loves, and let us thank all those who have offered us these different types of love throughout our lives. Read more »

The New Life in Christ
January 01, 1970
To become a new creation implies becoming something that you weren’t before – you are new, better than before, fulfilling the potential that God has given you. This new life in Christ, becoming a new creation, is a central part of our journey with God. Read more »

Facing Death and Judgment
January 01, 1970
When we encounter God in our final judgment, He will look over our lives and see how we have treated other people, how we have responded to those in need. Have we reached out to others with simple acts of love, with random kindness, with disciplined charity, with joyful generosity – because when we reach out especially the marginalized of society, we are reaching out to Christ Himself. Read more »

The Joy of Palm Sunday
January 01, 1970
In today’s Palm Sunday epistle reading, we hear St. Paul offer similar words - “Rejoice in the Lord always” - to the persecuted believers in Philippi, while he himself languished in a prison cell. Read more »

Cultivating An Attitude of Gratitude
January 01, 1970
You need to have an "attitude of gratitude" an amazing prisoner shared with me. What made it even more amazing was that he was spending a life sentence in prison. Read more »

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Recent Sermons
July 07, 2024
In a beautiful passage of St. Paul writing to the Christians in Rome, he says, “We have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function… Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Rom 12:4,6) to serve God’s holy church and to glorify His Name. Read more »

Our Orthodox Faith
A Prayer During the Coronavirus
Lord our God, have mercy on, heal and help those who are afflicted with the coronavirus and comfort and strengthen their families.... Read more »